Dohyeok Lee
I'm a first year Ph.D. student at Cognitive Machine Learning Laboratory, advised by Prof. Jungwoo Lee,
in Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Seoul National University (SNU).
Previously, I received my M.S. in ECE from SNU in 2024 and B.S. in EE from KAIST in 2020.
Research Keywords: Robot Learning, Robotics, Learning from Demonstration (LfD), Reinforcement Learning (RL).
Research Statement:
My research focuses on advancing robotic manipulation through machine learning approaches.
Drawing from my hands-on experience building real robot systems across personal projects and start-up companies, I recognized the limitations of classical robotics theory in real-world applications.
This motivated my current research in robot learning, where I combine Learning from Demonstration (LfD) and Reinforcement Learning (RL) to develop foundation models for robotic manipulation.
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My research lies at the intersection of robotics, machine learning, and reinforcement learning.
I focus on solving real-world bottleneck problems in robotics through machine learning approaches, while grounding solutions in rigorous mathematical theory.
My work spans both theoretical foundations and practical implementations.
Some papers and projects are highlighted.
Current Research Interest
-Developing generalizable policy architectures for Learning from Demonstration
-Designing observation representing systems for physical understanding
-Advancing robotic manipulation through embodied datasets and reinforcement learning
SPQR: Controlling Q-ensemble Independence with Spiked Random Model for Reinforcement Learning
Dohyeok Lee, Seungyub Han, Taehyun Cho, Jungwoo Lee
NeurIPS, 2023
arXiv /
We developed SPQR, a novel independence regularization method for ensemble Q-learning based on random matrix theory and spiked random model.
Our approach demonstrates significant improvements in reducing overestimation bias while achieving better computational efficiency in ensemble Q-learning.
ARTificial Expressions: Human-Robot Interactive Drawing
Yejin Kim, Dohyeok Lee
CVPR Demo, 2023   (Best Demo Awarded)
We created ARTE, an interactive drawing system enabling collaboration between humans and robots.
The system features a CLIP-based reward mechanism for real-time drawing state assessment and a reinforcement learning policy trained on diverse datasets using brush stroke simulation.
Control of Furuta Pendulum with Reinforcement Learning
Dohyeok Lee, Usama Mohammad, Dong Eui Chang
ICCAS, 2019
Implemented a robust control system for the Furuta pendulum combining swing-up and balancing tasks using DDPG and PPO algorithms, with sim2real transfer and in-the-wild training.
Robotics Engineer
D.Hive(start-up), Daejeon, Korea
2020.10 - 2021.04
Developing autonomous delivery robot
-Developing: driving controller module, sensor noise filtering system
-Managing: development of mobile robot hardware platform, sensor system, sensor fusion system, planning module, segmentation module
Robotics Engineer Intern
Crazing Lab(start-up), Pangyo, Korea
2019.06 - 2019.08
Developing autonomous filming robot
-Mobile robot platform: hardware(frame,battery system), BLDC motor control system, UART communication system
-ROS system for motor control, IMU, LiDAR, and depth camera data processing
Project Experience
*DC: Domestic Conference, *O: Open Source Contribution, *P: Personal Project, *W: Work Experience, *R: Research Project
[W] Part-time Engineer
Project working with Zer01ne(Hyundai Motor Company), 2021
Collaborator: Minyoung Kim, Yejin Kim, Dohyeok Lee, Junyoung Kim, Sunho Chang
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Developing AR system integrating robot Spot with Unity, ROS
[DC] Minimum distorsion embedding for RL
Taehyun Cho, Dohyeok Lee, Jungwoo Lee
KICS Winter Conference, 2023
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We propose isometric regularization for RL to minimize distorsion of latent space embedding
[O] Nonlinear Controller (★19)
Open Source Contribution, 2021
Implement nonlinear control (robust, adaptive, sliding mode) algorithms on two-arm manipulator simulator
[P] Autonomous Mobile Robot
Personal Project working with robotics club MR, KAIST, 2018
Collaborator: Dohyeok Lee, Inyub Kim, Yongmin Lee, Dokyun Lee
Developing autonomous mobile robot with YOLO, Tmap API, GPS and compass sensor, etc.
[R] 3D Box Fitting
Research Project working with RCV KAIST, 2018
Collaborator: Dohyeok Lee, Jaekook Hyun
Developing 3D box fitting algorithm for given point cloud data, collabolation with Hubo lab
Open Source Contribution, 2024
Implement IMPALA(Scalable Distributed Deep-RL with Importance Weighted Actor-Learner Architectures) in distributed machine system with ray, redis, UDP
[P] Mobile Humanoid
Project working with SNU Course, Actuation and Sensing Mechanisms for Robots, 2024
Collaborator: Dohyeok Lee, and 23 students
Developing wheel-based humanoid for moving and picking object
[DC] Separated batch ensemble DQN
Dohyeok Lee, Jungwoo Lee
KICS Winter Conference, 2023
We propose separated batch ensemble DQN for diversification of ensemble using separated batch for Bellman Q-target
[O] Genetic Algorithm for Surface Decomposition
Open Source Contribution, 2022
Implement genetic algorithm for earth surface decomposition with arbitrary basis function
[O] EKF (★11)
Open Source Contribution, 2021
Implement EKF(Extended Kalman Filter) for sensor fusion of GPS and IMU data with Kitti dataset
Open Source Contribution, 2021
Implement RRT(Rapid Random Tree) algorithms
[P] Vender
Personal Project working with Art Center Nabi, 2020
Collaborator: Minyoung Kim, Dohyeok Lee, Seonguk Seo, Taewon Kang, Dahye Lee, Daeun Kim
Creating A.I media artwork with A.I based emotion recognition and autonomous vending machine system
[DC] Simulator and Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for Surveillance/Reconnaissance
Changsik Lee, Dohyeok Lee, Dong Eui Chang
KIMST Conference, 2020
Developing simulation environment for surveillance/reconnaissance and reinforcement learning algorithms for surveillance agent
[P] Hand-shape Manipulator with Teleoperation
Personal Project working with robotics club MR, KAIST, 2017
Collaborator: Dohyeok Lee, Jaemin Cho, Jinsub Lee, Kiheon Sung
Developing hand-shape manipulator and glove-shape interface for teleoperation
[P] Maker-based Mobile Robot
Personal Project working with robotics club MR, KAIST, 2016
Collaborator: Duckyu Choi, Hwijoon Lim, Dohyeok Lee
Developing mobile robot for maker-based localization and mapping
Reviewer: CoRL 2024 W, ITW 2024
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